Most of us, either now or in our past, have worked for or been involved with an organization with a specific purpose. Nearly everyone business has some type of claim to fame, sometimes globally and sometimes locally. If you are involved with a business or charity, it is in your best interest to plainly communicate what you are about through your website. If you don’t blow your own horn, nobody else is going to.

One example that comes to mind is the National Western Stock Show. Since 1906 this annual event draws more than 18,000 entries with animals ranging from 20 different breeds of cattle to rabbits and chickens. Tickets are sold both for grounds admittance and for ‘special events’. One event I attended last year and particularly enjoyed was the Draft Horse Show and Pull. The massive Belgians, Percherons and Clydesdale horses are phenomenal creatures and watching them try to pull a loaded sled sounded like fun, unfortunately, the National Western website is a little light on the event information. There is, as of this writing, a total of 91 words dedicated to the description of the five scheduled 2012 performances of the Draft Horse Show.

This Draft Horse Show is unbelievable. Not only are there some amazing pulling feats by mules, draft horses and working teams that are hitched just like they would be on a working farm, there were a number of other events. There were mule barrel racing and a 6-Horse Hitch performance. Now, if you aren’t a horseman, which I’m not, you probably have no idea what a 6-Horse Hitch is. Think about all of those Budweiser commercials with the famous Clydesdale’s pulling the fancy wagon, that is a 8-Horse Hitch. In the 6-Horse Hitch competition multiple competitors bring their teams and beautiful wagons and show their expertise by driving the hitch around the arena. It is an beautiful site, kind of like this video.

The National Western Site doesn’t explain any of this. There’s no videos, there is minimal explanation of what goes on in the event, and it’s filled with terms the uneducated won’t understand, and this is ALL THEY DO. The people who work for the National Western spend all year getting ready for their Horse Show, Livestock Show and 12 Special Events. If anyone is an expert on any of these topics it is these people, but they have done little more than list the events.

Don’t be like the National Western Stock Show. Put your passion to work for you. Write content, film videos and share them on your website. Explain to people what kind of events you are hosting and exactly what they are going to experience. Let you customers know why they should attend your event, visit your office, purchase your goods or use your services.

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