The SEO world has been topsy-turvy lately. It started with Matt Cutts’ comment about an over optimization penalty at SXSW, it continued with the Penguin Update and now you have some of the search engine sites writing articles like What If The Google Penguin Update Inadvertently Killed The Web As We Know It? and Free Directory Sites Dropping Out Of Google?
To the small business owner it might seem like the sky is falling, like it is the end of SEO. You might wonder if your site is being penalized? Have you over optimized? Will this impact your Facebook friends? What are you going to do?
In reality, the recent changes by Google have made the web a better place and made SEO more important than ever. The first rule of SEO is, or should be, “Don’t Panic”. Any SEO that is maintaining your website in a White Hat manner and following the Google guidelines will be fine.
Of course, if you have hired Rajeesh to create 1,000 PR0 backlinks for $500/month (don’t laugh, had someone offer that just a couple weeks ago) you might be in trouble. SEO is a constant changing field. Optimizing your website for maximum traffic and maximum leads is a continual process. Search engine optimization isn’t going away any time soon, so if you need some assistance getting the most out of your site contact e-Marketing Partner today and we will help you out.
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