
Is your website in Joomla!? Are you tired of the difficult article management, having to install components for every mundane thing, frustrated with the Joomla upgrade process or just looking for something more mainstream? Converting your site to WordPress is a great solution.

Finding a Joomla! developer

Why would you want to leave Joomla!? Joomla! won an award in 2011 for being the best Open Source CMS and the Joomla! website boasts over 35,000,000 downloads. Unfortunately, Joomla! can be difficult to use, hard to maintain, vulnerable to hackers and not well supported. Joomla! developers can even be difficult to find.

WordPress, on the other hand, has documented 62 million sites and has a huge community and developer pool to draw from. Here at e-Marketing Partner we appreciate the Joomla! team’s efforts and contribution to the Open Source community, but find WordPress to be a superior product.

Restoring a hacked Joomla! site

Recently a client contacted us. Their Joomla! installation had been hacked and was down, they needed a solution ASAP! Fortunately we were able to port their whole site into WordPress and install it on our Managed WordPress Hosting solution in just a few days. The client is now up and running with a site that is all but indistinguishable from their old site and most of their previous functionality intact. We are still working to enhance some of their old needs and provide new customization to allow optimum communication with their audience.


e-Marketing Partner is a WordPress expert

If you need help converting your site from Joomla!, Drupal or even just standard HTML, e-Marketing Partner is here to help. Our Managed WordPress Hosting provides automatic updates to both the WordPress core and all the plugins you need for a well ranking. optimized, communicative site. Contact Us today for help getting your old CMS into a shiny new WordPress site!

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