It’s Olympic time once again. Athletes have traveled from all over the world to London, England to display their athletic prowess and competitive spirit. While watching the Olympic events it becomes very apparent that there is one thing all of these competitors have in common.
Missy Franklin, Gabby Douglas, Misty May, Bradley Wiggins, Ryan Lochte the list goes on. No matter the sport, the one thing all of these people have in common is consistency. They get up every morning and go train, workout, swim, ride, do whatever it takes to be number one. The SEO world is a lot like that. Sure, we don’t chase after gold medals and national anthems, we chase after Google listings and Facebook shares, but it’s the same concept. You must be consistent. Jumping in and out of an SEO, Social Media or SEO campaign isn’t going to get you to the gold, you have to be working on the project on a regular basis.
Don’t wait until you need the traffic to start thinking about SEO, let it build with your business and engage your customer base on Social Media and through other channels every day and you will see you rankings and business grow together.
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