by Bob Weber | Oct 27, 2014 | SEO
In case you missed it, the Internet blew up today with the news that Walmart had created a page titled “Fat Girl Costumes” on their website. Thousands of people were offended, major news outlets reported the scandal and articles are being written about it...
by Bob Weber | Nov 27, 2012 | SEO
SEO in English is common, but what many website owners have overlooked is SEO in other languages. e-Marketing Partner has been doing Spanish SEO for several years for Dr. Ben Marble, a podiatrist in Pueblo Colorado. When Dr. Marble created his website he decided to...
by Bob | Aug 3, 2012 | SEO
It’s Olympic time once again. Athletes have traveled from all over the world to London, England to display their athletic prowess and competitive spirit. While watching the Olympic events it becomes very apparent that there is one thing all of these competitors...