Changing Your Brand: SEOmoz is now Moz

Back in 2004 a guy named Rand Fishkin and his Mom created a little SEO consulting company named SEOmoz. Over the last 9 years Rand has built SEOmoz and Roger the Robot into a juggernaut of SEO tools and information. is one of the most recognized, most used,...

5 Reasons Facebook isn’t Enough for Your Local Business

Is a Facebook Page Enough for my Business Running a small business is a challenge, and there are lots of areas of competition for your marketing dollars. Some small business owners, due to marketing budget restrictions or just in the name of efficiency are skipping...

Treat Your Website Like a Business Asset

Many small business owners have a funny attitude toward their website. Some treat it as a necessary evil that they spend as little money as possible on, like business cards or stationary. These people rarely update, complain if it costs them anything and typically...